Thursday, June 27, 2019

Principal's Message

In  my capacity as principal, I welcome you to this web site. It has been designed to provide you with essential information about the college and the professional preparation process.   
The process of becoming a professional educator, demands that you develop an ethically defensible vision of education. We recognize that student achievement is dependent upon high quality teacher and thus our primary goal is to develop and nurture master teachers. These teachers will serve as innovative scholars and educational leaders who are driven by a conviction that educators play a vital role both in the lives of their students and in society. Thus, they will model standards of excellence and motivate their students to meet those standards through mutual enquiry and reflection. They will recognize students’ multiple strengths, create a caring community that honors students’ diversity and inspire students to become critical thinkers and life long learners.

On this web site, you will find information about all our programmes, along with information on our faculty and staff, facilities and achievements. I hope you will take a moment to explore this site.  


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